Any Property/Business Owner located within the Seaford Downtown Development District C3 zone is eligible.
Private dwellings are not eligible unless they originally functioned as a commercial building and were later converted.
If a building has multiple units, each tenant with a separate entrance may apply.
Only one application may be submitted for each façade. Either the property owner or the business tenant of a building may submit an application, or an owner and tenant may apply jointly.
Where a single tenant occupies multiple units, the tenant is eligible for one application per façade.
A business tenant applicant must obtain the property owners written consent for facade renovation, and must submit that permission with the application.
The Seaford Tomorrow Façade Grant Program is currently focusing on the Downtown Development District of Seaford, as outlined in the C3 map. The program itself will be re-evaluated every year, and financial adjustments made according to availability of funds.
The fund will provide 50% of the improvements up to a maximum of $2,500.
A full façade would be entitled to the full amount of $2,500. Signage, Awnings, and Painting are classified as a full façade renovation and will be given the higher priority.
Signs- will be given 50% of the cost.
Awnings - will be given 50% of the cost.
Painting - windows and doors will be given 50% of the cost.
The fund will not pay for the painting of unpainted Masonry. We feel it downgrades the character of the building and should not be allowed.
Each building should have address information.
In summary, Seaford Tomorrow feels that a strong street presence can be made just with the above mentioned items and we encourage business owners and property owners to take advantage of what Seaford Tomorrow Façade Grant Program has to offer.
Facade Grant Program Requirements
All Façade Design proposals must:
Meet applicable zoning and building code requirements of the City of Seaford.
Must comply with the Seaford Tomorrow Façade Improvement Grant Guidelines.
Must receive Seaford Tomorrow Façade Improvement Grant Program application approval form from Seaford Tomorrow prior to beginning the project.
Only exterior façade renovations are eligible.
Priority consideration will be given to proposals that make highly visible impacts on the Seaford Downtown Development District.
Unless otherwise approved all projects must be completed within six months from time of start.
All Projects must be approved by the City of Seaford and the Seaford Tomorrow Façade Grant Committee.
No funds will be distributed until final inspection by the City of Seaford and the Seaford Tomorrow Façade Grant Committee.
Upon approval of the project, the funds are guaranteed by the Façade Grant Committee.
Completed work that differs from the approved application will be disqualified for reimbursement.
Each applicant will receive a letter notifying him/her of approval (or denial) of the application, and notifying of any new permit requirements that are needed.
Seaford Tomorrow Façade Committee will not grant funds for electrical work. This will be the sole responsibility of the business owner or the property owner.
All permits must be acquired through the City of Seaford Planning and Zoning Board Committees before any work can begin.
If more time is needed to finalize the project, a written request must be given to the Seaford Tomorrow Façade Committee for approval. This is done in order to keep funds liquid for other prospective applicants.
Upon completion and sign off of work, copies of the approved application along with documented paid statement, canceled checks, receipts etc. must be submitted to Seaford Tomorrow Facade Grant Committee before funds are disbursed. Reimbursement checks will be sent out by the Seaford Tomorrow Façade Grant Committee within thirty days of sign off of completed work.
Grant Process Timeline:
Seaford Tomorrow is currently in the process of accepting applications.
The Seaford Tomorrow Façade Grant Program promotes the maintenance and rehabilitation of central business district properties by providing grants to business and property owners. We encourage aesthetic compatibility for improvements to facades of non- historic structures. Seaford Tomorrow is not currently accepting applications for its Facade Grant Program, we hope to open another round in the future.